Are you an Empath?
Take my viral Empath Test to find out if you are an empath in 1 minute - and what to do if you are!
I bet my story sounds like yours...
For years, I couldn't figure out why I felt others' pain so acutely...
It got to the point that I believed something was seriously wrong with me.
If I walked in a room, I'd suddenly feel tense and angry without knowing why. Later, I'd find out that some issue was going on with someone in the room, making them angry.
I'd feel sick to my stomach for days (or longer) after watching the news or a violent movie. Yet, all my friends could watch either and be completely fine.
Upon seeing something sad happen (such as an animal hit by a car), sorrow would overwhelm me for weeks. Yet, others who saw the same thing would be sad at first, but quickly shrug it off.
Worse, I found myself helping everyone and everything, running myself into the ground. I couldn't say "no" to any cause or any person in pain; their pain was my pain and I had to make it stop, even if it meant I was hurting myself in the process.
Hi, I’m Tara.
The amount of suffering I was feeling—and the exhausting effect it was having on me—made me view this intense empath ability as a curse, not a gift.
SO, I started a desperate search for answers…I researched everything I could think of!
That's when I realized 3 critical things...
Being an Empath—someone who is highly tuned to other's pain and emotions—is a real thing.
I am one, and if you are reading this, you likely are, too. Science now shows that our nervous system and brain is wired completely differently than non-empaths. So, no - you are not imagining it. You are feeling exactly what you think you are!
I am not the only Empath in the world (even though it felt like it many times).
In fact, while we are a minority of the population, there are many Empaths in the world. Psychologists now say that anywhere from 1 out of every 5 or 1 out of every 25 people are Empaths. (It's not a ton of people, so that is why you may be feeling very alone in the world, too!)
With proper resources, training, and tools, I could actually DO something with this hyper-feeling-ness...
Like assist people to release their pain or blocked emotions, or even help someone to heal from disease.
Once I was able to accept this and then develop myself and my own tools properly, I went from being exhausted and overwhelmed by the world to being empowered and able to heal others and myself.
At the end of the day, all I wanted to do was help people.
But I couldn't help as many people as I wanted to until I figured out that I was an empath!
(Otherwise, I was going to be too burnt out and overwhelmed to help anyone.)
Now that I know how to use my empath nature as a gift, how to control it and direct it - I can help as many people as possible without burn out.
I am now an internationally published author, and a highly sought-after medical intuitive who has helped people from the world heal using the same gifts YOU likely have.
I get to help the world heal - AND thrive - because I figured out that I was an empath, and how to control it.
I can be an empath mom and help my empath daughter without burning out. (If you're an empath mom, you KNOW how much of your child's pain you feel!)
I want to share this knowledge with you because I want to stop your suffering and help you see YOUR empathic ability as a gift, too.
The first step is to take my empath test!
Find out if you are an empath in 1 minute - and what to do if you are!
Ready to get help right now?
Join the Empathic Badass Program now - feel better in the first hour!
Are You an Empath? Do you have these 25 Traits of Empathic People?
You might be here because of this empath image I created! If you’d like to use this image, please just give me credit (I created it) and a link back to this page.