You have incredible soul gifts.
You are meant to be a world-class healer.

I’m here to show you how to become one.

Welcome, Empath Healers, Coaches, and Therapists!

Imagine this…

You begin your session with a new client.

You’ve never met them before. 

You don’t know anything about them.

They tell you about the pain and disease they are experiencing…

And how they’ve gone to therapists and doctors seeking answers to no avail.

Without hesitation - and without ANY more information - you immediately translate the message behind their pain and disease…

Linking specific traumas and negative life experiences with exact unconscious beliefs. 

You describe exactly what their body is telling you is off in their mind, body, and life.

And you do so with incredible accuracy. 

You look at the clock and realize you’ve only been on the call for ONE minute. 

The client is stunned.

“How could you possibly know that?” they say, incredulous….

You smile.

“Your body told me.”

This is the life-transformative healing magic you can perform with the Master the Matrix Practitioner Dual Certification! 

I know what it’s like to want to heal the world, but not know how to do it.

Or to get burnt out trying so hard to create results for as many people as you can.

You might have tried getting certifications, but not found any that answer all your client’s needs.

Or, maybe you’ve gotten certifications, but have no idea what you soul gifts are or who you are here to serve, so you have a hard time attracting the right clients (or any clients)…

You might even find yourself trying to cobble together a bunch of different solutions for your clients, not sure what’s exactly going to work (but hoping it will!).

Or, maybe you’ve got clients coming to you with mental AND physical issues, and you KNOW there is a connection, but don’t know how to put it together in a consistent, effective way…

Maybe you are like so many amazing healers and empaths I’ve worked with who are burnt out trying to figure it all out on their own (I was one once!)…

You just want to know WHO you are, WHAT your gifts are, WHO you are here to serve, and HOW to do it without burning out and WITH creating a life and a business you love. (Is that too much to ask?)

If this sounds like you, then YOU are who I created the Master the Matrix Practitioner Certifications for!

Why the Master the Matrix Practitioner Certification Program is NOT Your typical coach or practitioner certification…

I know…there are a LOT of certifications out there.
Some are good.
Some, honestly? Not so much.

For me, I wanted to create something that was so far above the norm that it would blow away even healers and coaches that are seasoned certification holders. 

I wanted it to be something that, once learned, could provide tools that allow you to provide unparalleled results for clients…

WHILE aligning with your soul gifts…

AND working from a place of passion, healing yourself and the world. 

And I wanted it to be science-based and incredibly effective…(and it is!)

In fact, this is the only practitioner certification that has been celebrated by therapists and physicists from around the globe and whose methodology has been presented at scientific conferences.

But, because there are so many certifications out there, I want to tell you a bit about what it’s not - and what it IS. 

What it is NOT:

This is NOT a “take a course for a weekend and be certified to tell other people how to live” program.

This is NOT something that is focused on churning through the most students to make the most money.

This is NOT a program that gives you general guidelines or one-size-fits-all solutions for your clients.

This is NOT a program that lets you get trained and then doesn’t help you understand how to start or accelerate your business or practice.

What it IS:

🔥 This is a dual practitioner certification program that gives you ALL the tools to be able to help your soul clients in a personalized, incredibly effective way. 

🔥 This is a bespoke certification where you get WEEKLY mastermind sessions and help with me as you move through the program. To give this level of support, I take only 6 new students a month. 

🔥 In the first certification - the Flow Method Practitioner Certification - you learn to use ground-breaking science with quantified tools to be able to pinpoint the exact underlying issues your client is dealing with, and to do it with speed and accuracy.

🔥In the second certification - the Body Language Practitioner Certification - you learn how to translate the message behind your clients pain or disease in THREE minutes (or less!), then how to use a completely personalized process to get them on the path to healing.

🔥 And, throughout the program, you will learn how to identify your soul gifts, attract your perfect clients, how to market, how to grow, and how to use the ready-for-you marketing and business tools.

If you are already a coach, therapist, or healer and want to have a next-level set of skills to create amazing client results, this certification just might be for you.

Or - if you have always wanted to take your empath gifts and use them to be a highly-sought after healer or coach, this might be for you, too! 

At the end of the certification, here’s what you will be able to do:

  • Get rave-worthy results for all your clients, and have total confidence that you can help anyone that walks through your door using the Flow Method and Body Language modalities…

  • Pinpoint the root cause of any repeat negative patterns, blocks, or triggers for ANY client within minutes.

  • Translate the message behind ANY client’s pain and disease in less than 3 minutes.

  • Know exactly what your soul gifts are and how to use them to attract your soulmate clients

  • Have an authentic brand that showcases exactly who you are and that you can proudly show to the world!

  • Have a suite of offers that allow you to scale to 6 figures and beyond with confidence…

  • And have a community (and me!) who are there to support you!


So, here’s what you will be learning:

  • Empower Your Path: Clear out blocks keeping you from your fullest success and create a powerful daily practice to align and empower yourself.

  • Become Aware and Protected: Ignite your intuition while also setting powerful energetic boundaries (essential so you do NOT burn out when you start your healing work!)

  • Becoming a Dreamcatcher: Create a powerful vision of your success and see it become reality in ALL areas of your mind, body, and life.

  • Trusting Your Intuition: Increase your intuitive power and learn how to trust the messages you receive.

  • Becoming a Master Pattern-Seeker: Once you know how to use this practice, you will be able to make connections between anyone’s mind, body, and life in incredibly powerful ways (it will be your superpower!)

  • Identifying YOUR Soul Gifts and EXACT Soul Group You are Meant to Serve: This is an INCREDIBLE process where I will guide you to knowing precisely what you are here to do - and we will begin creating your unique way of using these gifts into the rest of the program.

  • Creating Your Authentic Brand: You’ll create a logo that shows of who YOU are, create your perfect brand colors to reflect this, set up or enhance your social media presence, and start creating posts that active your soulmate clients and declare who you are.

  • How to Move Through a Healing Crisis: As you uplevel, you will go through a healing crisis - you just do. I’ll show you how to move through it with power - AND how to guide your future clients through one, too.

  • How to Release Other’s Energy: If you do not learn this, you WILL burn out. This will help you to sleep well, let go of what you should not carry, and have energy to help others and yourself!