The Science of Body Language
The science behind this process:
While there is an intuitive and metaphorical aspect to being able to translate the messages of your body, there is a solid foundation in logic and science as well.
If you are interested and happen to enjoy the science aspect of things, you’ll enjoy this lesson. However, if you aren’t so science-minded or if you just want to get on to the HOW of how to translate your body’s messages, then skip this section for now. You’ll be able to do the body translation process without it.
You will also find the entire scientific foundation for my work in the Principles section of The Flow Method: 40 Days to Total Transformation. In there, I lay the entire methodology out and give you many examples of how to apply that wisdom to your life.
You are also welcome to download the lesson itself; it’s a “cliff notes” version of the science behind this process. Basically, I give you the “least you need to know” about this process.
I hope you enjoy this part of it as much as I do!
I had an error in the recording of this section, and I unfortunately have to re-record it. Please bear with me as I get that done. I will have that uploaded as fast as possible!
In the meantime, make sure to move forward to Lesson 1.