How to offer yourself the same love you offer others...
“Hey beautiful girl,” I said to my daughter, as I walked in to see what she was up to.
“Hey beautiful mama.” She said back.
I stopped and hugged her. “That’s so sweet, honey.”
“What?” She said, “You always tell other people they are beautiful. You are beautiful, too.”
Talk about the wisdom of a child.

You can't create better for yourself if you don't see better IN yourself.
Have you ever looked in the mirror and wanted to change everything? Or felt like you were not good enough in any possible way?
I certainly have. I have always been horribly critical of myself, and it impacts everything.
I couldn't figure out why I was attracting so many negative experiences to my life where the person or experience seemed to prove to me that I really wasn't worth much of anything.
I'd done all the meditating and visualizing. I'd read all the books.
But you know what I hadn't done?
I hadn't truly worked on loving myself.

Guess What? You Don't Need to Be Perfect to Be Worthy (Really)
When you hold yourself up to a perfect ideal, you are telling life that you do not deserve love, respect, or any other good thing unless you meet that ideal. Of course, it is impossible to be perfect, so you end up feeling like a failure because you never get what you want. The good news is that you can change this!
Believing in Your Worth: The Secret to Finally Feeling Worthy of the Success, Love, and Joy You Desire
Think of someone who you consider to be very successful, perhaps someone that you strive to be more like. Do you think that you are equal to them? Do you think that you deserve the same success that they do? You should, but you probably don’t. You likely assume that they must be made of something intrinsically better than you are, and this allows them to be more deserving of success and abundance. But here’s the thing: Everything in the entire world is made of particles, and all particles are exactly the same. They are a lot like the legos of the universe; particles make up your body, stars in the sky, the chair you are sitting on - everything. This means that at a particle level, the people you admire are made of the exact same building blocks that you are.