Hear Tara talk about Mind-Body Healing and What Inspires Her on My 7 Chakras Podcast
This was one of my favorite interviews I have ever done. The host, AJ, is a wonderful, inspiring guy! I think you'll love it!
This was one of my favorite interviews I have ever done. The host, AJ, is a wonderful, inspiring guy! I think you'll love it!
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Free Your Mind and Your Life: 3 Steps to Feel in Control of Your World
There are times in life when you may feel like you have little freedom in your life; and sadly, you may feel like it's been years since you felt free to be you.
Your life may feel very much like you are controlled by dictators, always trying to live up to other’s standards or views on how you should live.
You may feel that you are trapped by difficult circumstances, or that you cannot control your own life for a variety of reasons.
I am here to tell you that you absolutely can free your mind and free your life right this very moment. In fact, you can do so in in 3 simple steps:
Step #1: Realize that your mind is already free.
No matter what your current issues are, your mind is free right at this very moment. No one can force you to believe their viewpoint on anything. You make all the decisions about what to think, feel, and do.
Is this difficult to believe? Here’s an example that might make it easier:
What if someone walked you to the edge of a cliff and told you that you must think about an apple immediately or he would push you off.
Would you actually have think about an apple to save your life? Could you just tell him that you were thinking about an apple? How would he know if you were lying?
The reality is that you could think about anything you wanted, and there would be little he could do about it. Saving your life would be fairly easy, as you could claim that you thought of an apple, and he would have to believe you.
While that is an extreme example, this same idea applies to your life.
All too often we think that we must believe the viewpoints of parents, friends, acquaintances, bosses, doctors, religious leaders, and even the media. Again and again, we give our personal power over to the opinions of those around us, because we think we have no choice and no right to question them.
Worse, we’re brainwashed to believe that we must live our lives by their standards or suffer some horrifying consequences, like going to hell or our lives ending in abject failure with them standing over us saying, “I told you so!”
Let me tell you, living your life based on beliefs you don’t agree with is a recipe for a miserable life, and nothing more.
You’re free to think anything you desire about yourself, your life, and what you really want to be and do.
You’re a perfectly wonderful person as you are, and your needs and desires are good and appropriate for you.
Whether or not they are appropriate for others isn’t your concern. You have a right to make choices that live up to your standards, and no one else’s.
Step #2: Free your life by freeing your mind from the power of other’s beliefs.
Take a moment right now to decide whether you want to keep living by other people’s standards. Here’s a great exercise to help you:
First, take out a sheet of paper. Then, write down everything you believe you should be, should do, and should think. Write down others opinions on your decisions and their beliefs about your life.
Then, ask yourself whether you want these things to be true for you.
For instance, you may have lived your life with guilt because you never put in the effort to become a doctor. However, when you really consider it, you never wanted to be a doctor; you only feel guilt because it was what your parents expected of you.
Or, you may have been taught that you were not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, or any of a million terrible things that we all learn throughout our lives.
Now, ask yourself if these are the beliefs that you want to continue to build your life around. How much time have you wasted allowing these beliefs to control you? How many negative experiences have you had because you believed these things about yourself? What experiences have you missed out on?
Take back your freedom and your life. Rip up that piece of paper and mentally decide you are throwing out beliefs you don’t agree with. Decide right here and now that you and only you choose what you want to believe about yourself and how you want your life to be.
Step #3: Retune your mind with new belief statements.
Now that you have found a way to free your mind of old beliefs that were holding you back, you must replace those with new beliefs that empower you and the life that you desire to live.
Formulate some new truth statements for yourself. You might want to say something as simple as “I am free to live my life the way that I want”, or something as specific as “I am smart and capable. I choose to live up to my greatest potential.”
Try saying these new truth statements to yourself over and over again throughout the day. You will be amazed at the new life you begin to create for yourself.
Best of all, it will be the life that you truly desire! (Now that’s freedom!).
What do you do to feel in control of your life? Have you been feeling stuck and worn out lately? I'd love to hear your stories.
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Blazing Your Own Trail: You Can Get to Where You Want to Go Any Way You Want To
Have you ever been going along, personal life plan in place, goals in mind, when someone tells you, “That’s not the way to do it! You should do it this way!”?
I should think that you have, as I am certain that it is not possible to be human and to escape this experience.
Have you ever been going along, personal life plan in place, goals in mind, when someone tells you, “That’s not the way to do it! You should do it this way!”?
I should think that you have, as I am certain that it is not possible to be human and to escape this experience.
As you set forth your goals and go about following your action plan to get them, it is good to be prepared for the so-called “authorities” that will tell you how you should do everything. It seems that each person you encounter will be the expert, telling you “from experience” that you must do it a certain way. Or, they might explain that they “tried everything” and this was the “only thing that worked” for them, to save you the trouble of even trying a new method. Most commonly, you might hear that you cannot accomplish your dreams, that “It’s impossible. It just can’t be done.”
The next time that you are confronted with this kind of thinking, remember that this attitude would have left us in the stone ages hunting and gathering for our food and wearing fur (or less).
Please believe me: there are countless ways to do anything. Things that have never been done before are just begging to be brought into being from the Source. I mean, can you imagine how many people told the Wright brothers that flying was impossible? Now it is an everyday occurrence, moving millions of people around the world at every moment. I imagine that Bill Gates had people who thought that he was crazy when he started Microsoft; now he is one of the most powerful and successful men on Earth. I cannot fathom how many people Oprah Winfrey must have encountered that told her that she would never be able to be what she is today. Ghandi, Mother Theresa, Nelson Mandela, Gloria Steinam, and Martin Luther King changed the world because they believed that it could be done. They knew that they could do something that had never been done before, they ignored the naysayers, and they did it.
The next time that someone tells you that you can’t do whatever it is that you are aiming to do, tell them that they are full of rubbish (in the kindest possible way, please). Go home, turn on the Biography Channel, and watch a few biographies on some famous people. If that is not possible, pick up some autobiographies from the local bookstore. Suddenly, you will see that bringing the seemingly impossible into being in a way that is authentic to you is the only sure path to take.
For every person who is a successful actor, there are as many different paths that led them to that goal. For every successful entrepreneur, there are as many different ways to find success. For every person who has become President of the United States—not one of them took an identical path to the White House.
The ways to get to your dreams and goals are as varied as the number of people on the planet. Your life is not identical to anyone else’s; no one else has lived life in the same way, made the same decisions, or taken exactly the same steps as you have. There is no one else in the world exactly like you—and there is never one true path that you must follow to lead you to the life of your dreams.
Believe in yourself. Make choices that radiate the power inherent within you. Take all actions based on the frequencies matching what you desire to bring into being. Finally, believe that what you dream of is already in reality, because believing in the end result helps to bring it into reality. Stay steadfast in your personal belief and let this flow into being in your life, however it chooses to do so.
*This article is an excerpt from The Flow: 40 Days to Total Life Transformation
Tara's Questions for Positive Change:
- Have you ever stopped going after a dream because of other’s opinions? How did that make you feel?
- Have you tried to follow another’s path, only to find that it was not the right one for you? Is there a new path that you could take that would make you happy?
- Do you ask many opinions before moving forward on a new project? What might happen if you simply listened to your own mind and gut instinct? Would you have the confidence to do that? How would it feel if you succeeded against the odds?
The 3 Most Common Negative Beliefs Holding You Back, and How to Create a Daily Shift to Develop Confidence and Be More Successful
The same holds true for your life. Do you think you will be as confident and successful as you can be if negative thinking is a habit for you? Not likely here, either.
To help you to break the negative pattern and develop self-esteem and success, here are the three most common negative beliefs and ways to shift them now:
By Tara Meyer-Robson, Author of The Flow: 40 Days to Total Life Transformation
“I will never get this sale.” Jon slumped forward a bit and sighed.
I looked at him and couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I had been conducting a sales training for a company, and Jon was in the audience. He asked terrific questions and seemed to be a positive thinker and a go-getter. At the end of the meeting, he asked to talk with me privately, as he had an important appointment that day and wanted some tips on how to prepare for it. Just from what I had seen of him during the meeting, I expected that he was going to be totally confident in his ability to sell this client.
“Jon, did you hear what you just said?” I asked gently.
“What?” Jon looked perplexed for a moment. “Oh, yeah - that I won’t get this sale.” He smiled sheepishly as he realized the issue.
I laughed. “Um, didn’t you just sit through my entire presentation on changing the way you speak and think to change the outcome to what you desire?”
We both laughed and then spent time working on shifting his mindset to prepare for success, however, this moment stuck with me. If someone who had just been totally engaged in learning everything I was teaching could, just moments later, fall right back into a negative pattern, then anyone could.
You see, the truth is that negative thinking is an incredibly invasive bad habit of which most of us are unaware, but causes incredible problems. After all, do you think that Jon would have sold that client if he went into the appointment with the attitude that he wouldn’t get the sale? It isn’t likely.
The same holds true for your life. Do you think you will be as confident and successful as you can be if negative thinking is a habit for you? Not likely here, either.
To help you to break the negative pattern and develop self-esteem and success, here are the three most common negative beliefs and ways to shift them now:
Negative Belief #1: “I don’t deserve better.”
For many of us, we simply feel that we don’t deserve better than our current situation, which is a definite problem. Why? Because this belief also keeps many of us stuck in situations where we are extremely unhappy, and that's no way to live.
There are many reasons why you might feel this way (which I will deal with in future articles), but for now, no matter who or what told you that you were not worthy of better, it isn’t true. No one deserves to be stuck in an unhappy, stressful life, no matter what anyone else thinks.
To shift into believing that you are deserving of a happier existence, first define for yourself what that life would look like. What is in your life now that's negative? What would you get rid of? What positive people, experiences, or things would you like to be part of your new life?
Then, once you have this image as clear as you can, take a deep breath, put your shoulders back, stand up straight, and begin to say, “I deserve the best in life.”
As you go through your day, notice if you fall back into an old pattern of believing that you aren’t worthy of the things or people you desire. If you do, simply take a deep breath and say, “I deserve my dreams, and all that is the best in life.”
Negative Belief #2: “I am a failure.”
All too many of us feel like we are failures in one way or another. If this is how you feel, perhaps parents, coaches, teachers, or other people told you that you failed in one way or another. Maybe you tried to start a business and it didn’t work. Or, perhaps you tried diets, self-improvement courses, or success training and did not see the results you wanted.
Whatever it is, carrying around a feeling of failure is not for your best. So, take this to heart:
You did the best that you could with the beliefs and thoughts that you had at the time. You are different now, and you can choose a different outcome at the present moment.
To begin to shift this negative belief, when you wake in the morning, look yourself in the eye in the mirror and tell yourself, “I am a success.” Before important meetings, repeat this statement several times. On your way home from work, make it a mantra that you say over and over.
Allow this new belief to begin erasing any “failures” of your past. Remember, you cannot go back to the past and redo it, so the only hold it has on you is the one you allow it to have in the present moment.
Let old stuff go. Replace it with a belief that you are successful and seek experiences that prove it so.
Negative Belief #3: “I am not important.”
This negative belief is incredibly prevalent in those that I work with. It’s a real problem, because it causes truly good people to continuously put themselves last; everyone and everything is more important than their needs and goals. Believing that with their whole hearts and souls, they work and work and never give themselves a break. They eat badly because they have no time to slow down. They routinely give to everyone around them, saying “yes” to everyone else’s needs but never fulfilling their own.
One day, they wake up and realize that they are worn out, overweight, over-stressed, depressed, and have no more to give to anyone else. Then, they call me for help.
While I am more than happy to help you personally, I would love if you could take this lesson to heart before you need to call me for an intervention:
You have a right to take care of yourself, and you even have a right to put yourself first.
Think about this: If you do not make yourself important to you, how will anyone else value you or your time? How will you have relationships that are true partnerships, rather than one person continuously taking and the other always giving? How will you ever feel fulfilled or get the time to achieve your dreams?
The answer is obvious: You won’t.
This week, I'd like you to become aware of how often you put yourself last on the list. Do you notice that people around you put you down? Are there people in your life that do not respect you or your time? Who do you support that never supports you?
As you become aware of this, begin to say to yourself, “I am important.” When you are about to skip lunch again to finish another project for your boss, say, “I am important,” and choose to take a few minutes for yourself. When you are about to take a bath and the phone rings, say “I am important to me,” and let it go to voicemail.
You get the idea. The more that you tell yourself that you are important, the more that you believe it. The more you believe it, the easier it will be to stand up for yourself and take care of yourself in any situation.
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Tara's Questions for Introspection:
- How hard is it for you to feel that you deserve the best in life? Can you think of times in your life where you were taught that you were unworthy?
- Do you have failures in your past that are holding you back? Are you afraid of failing again? How might your life be different if you hadn’t had those experiences?
- Do you feel unimportant? Is this a pattern that you learned from your parents or others? Is it hard for you to even imagine putting yourself first?
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