Other's opinions of you don't matter. Believe in who you are.
It's taken me a long time to understand that other's opinions about me don't matter.
For most of my life, I allowed fear of criticism and worry about how others would react to something I said or did to drive what I said or did.
🌟 You cannot live your life for other people.
🌟You cannot live someone else's dream for them.
🌟You cannot be someone other than who you are.
It's taken me a long time to understand that other's opinions about me don't matter.
For most of my life, I allowed fear of criticism and worry about how others would react to something I said or did to drive what I said or did.
🌟 You cannot live your life for other people.
🌟You cannot live someone else's dream for them.
🌟You cannot be someone other than who you are.
🌟You deserve to live a life that is filled with love and joy and abundance and all the things you want; you cannot get that if you try to live only how you think someone else will want you to.
🌟It's time for radical acceptance of who you are.
If there are things you'd like to change FOR YOU, then certainly work on shifting them.
However, stop trying to hide who you are.
Own your uniqueness. 🔥 No problem in the whole world has ever been solved by people who only do the norm, or think the way everyone else thinks.
Use your uniqueness as a gift, and align every decision today (and from this day forward) who who you REALLY are and what you REALLY value.
Do this, and everything shifts. 💫
Sending you love and strength, as always. ❤️
Are you an empath? Do you think you are and want to be more authentic to your truth? Take the Empath Test now and see.
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