Reconnect with the light within you. Heal yourself. Heal the world.
I watch my 4 year old daughter, and I am reminded that, once upon a time, we were all filled with joy and wonder and excitement and the hope that the next thing will be so awesome that we'll fall over from amazement.
And I think about how much life dims that light as we grow.
We might be bullied in school, or have parents that put us down and criticize us. We could have relationships that are abusive, either physically or emotionally, or both. We could grow up in a religion that tells us that parts of ourselves are sinful or bad. We could encounter racism, xenophobia, homophobia, bigotry, anti-semitism, and misogyny, all of which tells us that we are less than, just for aspects of our identity.
All of that leads to us disconnecting from the truth inside us, that we are filled with light, hope, and joy.
That, inside us, we can connect with a power that shines out and makes a difference in the world. That we have everything inside us to create the life we truly want to live.
Stop for a moment.
Put your hand over your heart. Imagine that you have a ball of powerful light inside your heart, under your hand. Imagine feeling the heat of that power against the palm of your hand. Inhale and see it grow and shine out of you. Exhale and bring it back in, allowing it to become smaller but more powerful.
Then say to yourself, "I connect with the beauty and power within me. I choose to shine my light into the world with authenticity and love - love for myself, and love for every living being in the world."
Keep connecting with that power; the more you do, the stronger it shines.
Much love ❤️
Tara :)
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